About Us

As a culture belief company, Soon Huat Moulding is always put the effort on promoting the worship culture to the next generation.
We have broad experience to give the best suggestion for external praying altar. Our core value is to offer the customize altar solution to different requirements of prayer. We provide a series of altars such as outdoor altar cabinet, red altar house, altar table, stand praying altar, etc. With a group of professional and experienced staff, we are able to fully understand the current market demand and provide high quality product along with excellent service to fulfil customers’ requirements.
Shall you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us. We will be delighted to hear from you.
作为一家有文化信仰的公司,Soon Huat Moulding希望能够将祭拜文化传承给下一代年轻人。
我们拥有丰富的经验能够在祭坛需求上提供最佳的建议。 我们的核心价值是能够为不同的祈祷者提供定制的祭坛解决方案。 我们提供户外祭坛柜、红色祭坛屋、祭台、站立祈祷坛等一系列祭坛。我们拥有一批专业和经验丰富的员工,能够充分了解当前的市场需求,并提供高质量的产品和优质的服务,以满足客户的需求。
We have broad experience to give the best suggestion for external praying altar. Our core value is to offer the customize altar solution to different requirements of prayer. We provide a series of altars such as outdoor altar cabinet, red altar house, altar table, stand praying altar, etc. With a group of professional and experienced staff, we are able to fully understand the current market demand and provide high quality product along with excellent service to fulfil customers’ requirements.
Shall you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us. We will be delighted to hear from you.
作为一家有文化信仰的公司,Soon Huat Moulding希望能够将祭拜文化传承给下一代年轻人。
我们拥有丰富的经验能够在祭坛需求上提供最佳的建议。 我们的核心价值是能够为不同的祈祷者提供定制的祭坛解决方案。 我们提供户外祭坛柜、红色祭坛屋、祭台、站立祈祷坛等一系列祭坛。我们拥有一批专业和经验丰富的员工,能够充分了解当前的市场需求,并提供高质量的产品和优质的服务,以满足客户的需求。